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    Sunday, January 29, 2017

    Controversy Donald Trump Acceleration Trigger Doomsday

    Washington - The new President of the United States (US), Donald Trump mentioned will trigger the destruction of the world with nuclear war and the acceleration of climate change.

    Based on research Bulletin of Atomic Scientist (BPA), which examines the world catastrophe. Hours extinction or the Doomsday Clock, is now said to have approached the 12 o'clock midnight and towards the destruction of the world.

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    Doomsday Clock is a symbolic clock maintained since 1947 by a group of scientists and atomic experts at the University of Chicago, USA, to show the world how close to catastrophe. The clock is set by referring to the destruction of human activities on the earth, especially regarding the war.

    Each year, a group of scientists that will set the time clock is based on the World Destruction perisitwa that occurred in the previous year if the current situation for the better, or vice versa.

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    If the world is in good condition, then the calculation of the time on the clock was going backwards and vice versa, if the chaotic state it will be faster. Since created, the needle has been changed 22 times, ranging from two minutes to midnight in 1953 and 17 minutes to midnight in 1991.

    Last year, the clock was fixed at three minutes before midnight. The destruction of the World Clock Project since it began in 1947 after the use of the first atomic bomb in the world.
    After that, the clock moves accordingly recent developments related course with the development of nuclear weapons, climate change and technological advances.

    Now, after the inauguration of Donald Trump, the scientists move clockwise as much as 30 seconds faster on Thursday, January 26, 2017, so that only two minutes and 30 seconds before the destruction of the world occurs.

    The group's executive director, said Rachel Bronson, a clockwise movement earlier than usual this year.

    "This is because the information about large-scale attack, fake news has increased and the President's statement (Trump) that can affect a nuclear war and climate change," said Rachel. The political situation in the US is the biggest concern at the moment.

    "Trump should more clearly and openly accept the fact that climate change is caused by humans," he asserted.

    Initially, the Doomsday Clock, which is located at the University of Chicago created to illustrate the threat of global nuclear war, but since 2007, the clock also reflects the climate change and other cutting-edge developments in science that can be disastrous.

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