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    Monday, January 30, 2017

    Donald Trump Waterboarding Powerful Confident Against Radicalism

    Washington - US President Donald Trump reiterated his belief that the interrogation technique of waterboarding was an effective way to combat radicalism.

    However, before implementing this technique, Donald Trump said he would consult with the Secretary of Defense and CIA Director James Mattis Mike Pompeo about what can be done to combat radicalism.

    Trump said he would listen and accept any suggestions, both of Mattis and Pompeo, to keep America safe and defeat terror. "I will follow what they say, and if they do not want to do, it's fine. If they want to do, I will work to achieve that goal," said Trump.

    Donald Trump then compare with the atrocities that made the terrorist group ISIS. According to him, if ISIS can do it, why not the United States.

    In the first media interview after becoming president, Donald Trump said waterboarding torture techniques will be applied again. Waterboarding is torture sadistic using water, which poured water rushing toward the suspect's face covered with a towel during interrogation.

    "ISIS record when behead our people and others. They behead people just because they happen to Christians in the Middle East. When ISIS doing things that nobody has ever heard since Medieval times, I feel confident about waterboarding," Trump said.

    Reusing the practice of waterboarding and other brutal torture techniques, or Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EITS), who for years practiced CIA after September 11, 2001, Donald Trump has previously expressed during the campaign. The torture techniques considered torture cruel and have been banned under US law and international law.

    In 2009, President Barack Obama signed an executive order that prohibits waterboarding or EITS. Obama said the interrogation techniques using water, waterboarding, by the CIA Intelligence Service agent who passed former president George W. Bush was torture.

    The controversial technique has sparked criticism from international human rights activists against the United States in the policy of the war on terror launched the country.

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